Our Services

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Mineraluxe Spa Products

"Our approach to water care boils to this: Finding ways to make your hot tub water look, feel, and smell better by removing stuff from the water, instead of adding more and more scary things." - Backyard Brands

Mineraluxe is a new weekly maintenance system for hot tubs, it is a three step program that includes:

Cubes - Heart of the system. This product will help to cleanse and repel all surfaces, reduces sanitizer requirements, and maximizes your comfort and enjoyment.

Bromine Tablets - Two tablets will help to keep your water sanitized.

Oxygen - One pouch is to get rid of bathers waste and it clarifies and polishes the water.

You will ultimately eliminate your stain & scales products, water clairfiers, and water comfort enhancers. For more information please come into our store and ask staff for details.


Friday, 18 November 2011

Thank You

We at Surfside Pool Services would like to thank all of our supporting customers for a great summer!

Enjoy your winter, & see you next year!

Surfside Staff
